April 07, 2011

Broken heart (or heartbreak)

What is broken heart (or heartbreak)?

It is simply describe the emotional pain or suffering that  one feels after losing a loved one, whether through death, divorce, breakup, physical separation, or romantic rejection (source: Wikipedia). The causes; Loss of a loved one, a partner, a friend and even a pet, Disappointment, Betrayal and Change from known surroundings. 

We can absolutely heal ourselves, but it involves process and time. Please…Don’t get rotten by the depression of heartbreak, Don’t let it prevent us from feeling & experiencing life to the fullest, in all aspects..

How to mend it?
  • Be patient and allow time to fully accept the reality of situation.
  • Talking about your feelings with friends or family member.
  • Keeps your mind busy; Keeping busy with hobbies and trying new things.
  • Try a quiet walk or holiday perhaps

There is a saying, When A Heart Breaks, It Is Actually Grows Bigger. But we will only see the significant from the "heart break situation" when we see it in a bigger perspective. Besides, Islam teaches us to forgive people. When someone hurts us, even if it is a deep wound, forgive them. Forgive them not for their sake, but as a sign of gratitude to Allah. In this way, it will brings us closer to Allah and rids us from sins.
WARNING: The best ways to heal are; Recite Al-Quran & the meaning, Do night prayer, Say Zikrullah and do fasting. InshaAllah^_^